
Landmark Crown™
Digital laboratory

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Landmark Crown


The iLAND implant support system, Landmark System™ which boasts the largest market share in Japan, is combined with CAD/CAM prosthetics. This allows for a more complete implant treatment.

From wax-ups to final restorations, the iLAND lab of digital technology delivers a variety of workpieces. In addition to implant restorations, we can also provide general restorations and CAD/CAM insurance crowns.

iLAND labs are TRIOS and iTero certified laboratories.

With the iLAND Lab, you can use the same digital data for CAD wax-up, simulation, surgical guide, and final prosthesis in a single process, and achieve a prosthesis that matches the simulation image.
Please feel free to contact iLAND Lab, which has a wealth of experience in supporting not only TRIOS and iTero, but also intraoral scanners from other manufacturers and desktop scanners.


Shorten delivery time by streamlining the process and using data!

  • There is no need to create a CT template, reducing costs and delivery times. (When the occlusion is stable)
  • Streamline the process by fabricating surgical guides and provisionals simultaneously!


矢印 矢印 矢印
When ordering Data   When ordering Guide   After the impression
CAD Wax-up   CAD/CAM Provisional Crown   CAD/CAM Abutment
矢印 → 矢印 → 矢印
The wax-up created by 3Shape software is displayed on iLAND's simulation software LANDmarker®. This allows for highly accurate top-down treatment.   The shape of CAD wax-up is reflected in the provisional crown. It will be delivered at the same time as Landmark Guide™. You can immediately use the provisional crown that reflects the simulated placement even when the load is immediate.   Custom abutments and crowns can be fabricated using the initial CAD wax-up data. The entire process can be completed in a single flow.


Our Services

We provide a wide range of services for all kinds of cases, not just implant superstructures. Please leave it to our experienced technicians.





Semi-custom abutment

Titanium base for CEREC

インプラント上部構造01 CAD/CAMアバットメント01 セミカスタムアバットメント(ストレート) CEREC用チタンベース
インプラント上部構造02 CAD/CAMアバットメント02 セミカスタムアバットメント(角度付き)

CAD/CAM Provisional Crown





Zirconia crown(CAD/CAM)



ジルコニアクラウン01 ジルコニアクラウン03 e.max01 CAD/CAM保険冠
ジルコニアクラウン02   e.max02 CAD/CAM保険冠